


She approached the subject as she always did, she researched and read as much as she could.
"Suicide" she searched over and over until she could no longer find anything new.

And then she decided with her hands in the sand "I am going to destroy myself or die trying".

The reality is that self-injury is a completely different from suicide in that suicide attempts to end one's life whereas self-injury is a method to cope with life and continue living.


_di! said...

..it's not a slow way of dying, it's just a way of managing to stay alive

Narami said...

that's what wikipedia says. personally, I don't think someone can really LIVE while hurting themselves, that's just cheating to get through, but that's just me.

_di! said...

..i've survived many years, i'm still alive, and recently even living..i gave myself the authority of a headstart, so sure, some could call it cheating..but if i hadn't had that backup i might've never started living, even if it took years to get me ready to do just so

and i read that ages ago, but wikipedia has everything these days
