

cuando sienta el bum de este perreo intenso,
tumbame el guille y calma.

mi combo te ligo.


_di! said...

hahaha i can't confess myself 'fan' of the 'genre'..but that 'song' always makes me laugh..if you're one to use the terms loosely

Narami said...

it's like one of the best musical jokes I've heard, I can't contain myself.

_di! said...

y esoooooo, que tu eres puertorriqueña..yo me río y probablemente no entiendo la mitad..though what i do understand..yisusssssss

i tell you, i have go in a fit every single time..this is how they get us, we don't 'like' it, but we listen to the stuff anyways, atento a chiste!